Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Whoever said it was EASY...lied

So yea basically i have been "au natural" for like 3 weeks right...and I must say this is thee MOST I have EVER I repeat EVER taken care of my hair. From conditioning, twisting, moisturizing, deep conditioning, washing, and etc has been put into my daily schedule. Before going to my beautician I had the luxury of having my mother do everything to my hair & when I was 16 I began going to the shop weekly. It feels good to finally work with my hair "hands on" besides flat ironing it with my Chi Iron. I am beginig to "know" my hair & it's 2 different textures. A lot of people get the misconception that natural hair is EASY but trust and believe me it's not...it takes a lot of time & patience but in the end I believe it's all worth it. Yea sometimes I wish I could go back to the "wrap at night unwrap in the morning" hair flow but I really do adore & appreciate my hair 100x more because it's me! U can purchase Remi 1B from the store but u can't buy my curls & kinks they're one of a kind...! *curly twist flip* lol


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