Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Every April....

Every year since I've been in college I have gotten sick in the month of April! I don't know if its the change of the weather, increase of germs, or if my immune system just gets weak after being so strong in the winter but I end up SICK!  So I go to the doctor on campus just to find out I have an upper respiratory cold. THIS is no joke or a game....my chest and back ache in pain every time I cough, sneeze, laugh, and talk and lets not forget about the other common cold symptoms (runny nose, headache...all that good stuff) I felt like 20% better today when I woke up but after my exam at 12:30pm I had to leave campus and skip my last class the cold air had gotten to me and made my head & body ache even with me wearing a jacket.  I guess it would be smart for me to prep my body with vitamins in March to make sure I don't get sick in April huh?!?! yeah I'll get on that plan next year...good thing I didn't have to worry about doing any hair this morning with me being sick...*curly fro flip* until my next random thought y'all! *peace*


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