Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hair Talk.....

If my hair had a voice ain’t no telling all the things it would say…probably first “why did you beg for a relaxer at 12” yep I should of known better and I now apologize. “Why did you cut me when I hung to your chest?” “Did you really need those highlights?…those hurt <ouch>” It would probably thank me for keeping it maintained nicely trimmed (no split ends shawty) over the years.  It would also curse me out for having to be braided tightly for my sew ins…yep I apologize for that as well shoot (thanks to Lex). But now oh now I know my hair is happy and free…no chemicals, no heat, no nothing just doing its own thing. Curls just doing their own thing everyday…but now since my hair is natural I have to LISTEN to it and its needs.  When it feels dry I know I need to put some moisturizer on it and oil…(I listen) When it says it needs extra moisture I deep condition it (I listen) when it needs strength I give it protein (I listen) as you see it’s not all about me and my wants and what I want to do with my hair anymore like it once was when I was relaxed…it is now all about my hair and its wants…So my question to you is if your hair could talk what would it say and would/do you listen?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Whoever said it was EASY...lied

So yea basically i have been "au natural" for like 3 weeks right...and I must say this is thee MOST I have EVER I repeat EVER taken care of my hair. From conditioning, twisting, moisturizing, deep conditioning, washing, and etc has been put into my daily schedule. Before going to my beautician I had the luxury of having my mother do everything to my hair & when I was 16 I began going to the shop weekly. It feels good to finally work with my hair "hands on" besides flat ironing it with my Chi Iron. I am beginig to "know" my hair & it's 2 different textures. A lot of people get the misconception that natural hair is EASY but trust and believe me it's takes a lot of time & patience but in the end I believe it's all worth it. Yea sometimes I wish I could go back to the "wrap at night unwrap in the morning" hair flow but I really do adore & appreciate my hair 100x more because it's me! U can purchase Remi 1B from the store but u can't buy my curls & kinks they're one of a kind...! *curly twist flip* lol


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Every April....

Every year since I've been in college I have gotten sick in the month of April! I don't know if its the change of the weather, increase of germs, or if my immune system just gets weak after being so strong in the winter but I end up SICK!  So I go to the doctor on campus just to find out I have an upper respiratory cold. THIS is no joke or a chest and back ache in pain every time I cough, sneeze, laugh, and talk and lets not forget about the other common cold symptoms (runny nose, headache...all that good stuff) I felt like 20% better today when I woke up but after my exam at 12:30pm I had to leave campus and skip my last class the cold air had gotten to me and made my head & body ache even with me wearing a jacket.  I guess it would be smart for me to prep my body with vitamins in March to make sure I don't get sick in April huh?!?! yeah I'll get on that plan next year...good thing I didn't have to worry about doing any hair this morning with me being sick...*curly fro flip* until my next random thought y'all! *peace*


Monday, April 4, 2011

sooo...about this whole "blog" thing

So hey yall, or whoever is reading this i'm new to this whole "blog" thing i never knew exactly what a blog was but i figured it would be something nice for me to express my thoughts and feelings about this "journey" im experiencing.  Oh yeah just an FYI there might be some grammatical errors but like i said this is a way for me to express myself without worrying about MLA/APA format, verb noun agreement and etc! this is ME...but anywho about this journey! I'm proud to say 2 weeks ago today i made the "BC" or big chop...yep i chopped all of my relaxed hair off after 7 long months without a relaxer.  *touches hair* and im sooooooo freakin glad i did it! at first i was kinda iffy on the whole thought of it but then i said forget it and DID IT! "hence my blog name "Curls & Kinks...I love my hair and I love me! I shall return yall!
